Senate Education Policy Committee on 2/1/2023


Committee Members

Sen. Steve Cwodzinski

Senate, 49, DFL,, 651-296-1314

(Heard as: wazinski )


Sen. Erin Maye Quade

Senate, 56, DFL,, 651-296-4120

(Heard as: Mayquay )


Sen. Julia Coleman

Senate, 48, R,, 651-296-4837

Sen. Jim Abeler

Senate, 35, R,, 651-296-3733

(Heard as: Abler )


Sen. Liz Boldon

Senate, 25, DFL,, 651-296-3903

(Heard as: Bolden )


Sen. Zach Duckworth

Senate, 57, R,, 651-296-7633

(Heard as: duckworth )


Sen. Grant Hauschild

Senate, 3, DFL,, 651-296-1789

(Heard as: haschel )


Sen. Mary Kunesh

Senate, 39, DFL,, 651-296-4334

(Heard as: Kuhn Ash kinesh )


Sen. Alice Mann

Senate, 50, DFL,, 651-296-6238

Sen. Nathan Wesenberg

Senate, 10, R,, 651-296-4913

Noteworthy Content:

00:11:51,780 - I've had the privilege of being an educator for the last 15 years and the last eight I've been in a leadership role.

00:34:53,800 - teacher hires and termination by race and ethnicity.

00:43:37,020 - But when I told my dad he could relate on what happened because he was bullied due to racism a

00:46:46,480 - I was thrilled when I received this exciting opportunity to make history and gain exposure to some of history's most marginalized perspectives

00:53:49,840 - Students learning continues to be impeded by structural and systemic challenges that have only been exacerbated

00:59:10,900 - Contribute to the lack of people of color becoming teachers is a complicated mess of systemic excuse me systemic

01:01:20,220 - I think the principal is racist because there are not enough black staff in the building.

01:01:44,920 - I have experienced and observed racism many times over my career in education.

01:01:56,900 - learning and work environments validate a firm embrace an integrated culture and community stress for all students, families and employees.

01:06:18,580 - I use she her pronouns and I'm the

01:12:18,600 - content and practices infuses the culture and language of our black indigenous and people of

01:12:43,640 - t recognize as racist or not supporting our communities of color that we have a more focused

01:16:22,500 - that prohibits discrimination or discipline for a teacher or principal on the basis of incorporating into curriculum contributions by persons in a federally protected class or protected class under and then it goes on to say some reference to law.

01:17:24,950 - if someone of a protected class created some sort of content that would be used in a curriculum

01:30:58,300 - I don' t think you need to say that part because what you' re trying to do is infuse the culture and language

01:31:09,640 - Even the term anti-racist and I' m no expert on this but when I first ran into that term whenever it started being used some time

01:32:06,880 - environments and curriculum validator for race integrated culture and community strengths of

01:35:45,000 - these issues. We' ve had to deal with these sort of issues racism lack of cultural sustaining institutional racism we'

01:45:13,620 - I learned the culture and the beauty of what is north

01:46:18,580 - they have their own ethnicities and I would say I would pick one up and they may be always not so visible as to what their ethnicity is but I could pretty much pick one up and I would say to one and say hey you native and they' re like yeah you' re okay do you have the supplies you need