Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee on 2/10/2023


Committee Members

Sen. Ron Latz

Senate, 46, DFL,, 651-297-8065

Sen. Clare Oumou Verbeten

Senate, 66, DFL,, 651-296-8866

Sen. Warren Limmer

Senate, 37, R,, 651-296-2159

(Heard as: limmer Limmer )


Sen. Jim Carlson

Senate, 52, DFL,, 651-297-8073

(Heard as: karlson larson )


Sen. Justin Eichorn

Senate, 6, R,, 651-296-7079

Sen. Jeff Howe

Senate, 13, R,, 651-296-2084

(Heard as: Howe Howell )


Sen. Michael Kreun

Senate, 32, R,, 651-296-1282

Sen. Sandra Pappas

Senate, 65, DFL,, 651-296-1802

(Heard as: Pappas pappas )


Sen. Judy Seeberger

Senate, 41, DFL,, 651-297-8060

(Heard as: seaburger )


Sen. Bonnie Westlin

Senate, 42, DFL,, 651-296-8869

Noteworthy Content:

00:04:13,120 - communities and our families their culture and their tribes.

00:14:09,200 - and our culture is

00:14:14,800 - spiritual and our culture is spiritual and our culture is spiritual and our culture is spiritual.

00:14:29,000 - if things are' t there that the creator gave us and the creator gave every race a necessity on this planet a gift

00:16:19,560 - and the ones in the room I think we all can understand that the basic principle of genocide is to take a culture or rip a culture away from a people.

00:16:28,840 - So when our children are taken away and they' re not part of the culture we are not part of the culture.

00:16:31,860 - Our children are not part of the culture. They' re not part of the culture of bringing their language their spirituality their belief system

00:17:38,100 - school error in stripping away a way of life in a culture belief system through our children.

00:17:50,260 - our culture our way

00:17:59,640 - there is a need to have a culture of belief system. The basis of their success

00:18:35,240 - to maintain that culture so we have a future for our people.

00:18:58,840 - our unborn in the future are with their own people to maintain that way of life and that culture belief system.

00:33:22,180 - program that indian children will experience greater trauma greater loss of identity greater loss of connection

01:02:41,300 - of making sure that the children are not being taken away from their parents. We have a history of making the children assimilate into greater culture and therefore ending indian tribes this is a practice that came about kind of as the termination era of indian tribes was ending and it was a different way to ensure the end of indian tribes eventually because when you think about it if you attack any sovereigns children and move those children

01:03:11,300 - away from their parents and the children are not going to come back to their parents and the tribe sometimes they don' t come back and the tribe or the culture that is losing those children goes away eventually if that happens.

01:03:20,180 - That was a deliberate intent when kids were sent to boarding school it was to kill the indian and save the child meaning assimilate them into white culture and indians.

01:36:48,900 - This is a bill about transgender and gender expansive people in

01:37:33,160 - things it protects transgender and gender expansive children and their families who come to Minnesota

01:37:38,180 - to access gender affirming care from baseless and harmful investigations and it protects providers

01:38:02,020 - Transgender is an umbrella term for anyone whose gender differs from the one they were assigned at birth.

01:38:07,900 - Gender identity is a person's internal and individual experience of gender.

01:38:25,280 - Gender affirming care is a wide range of developmentally appropriate care that affirms someone's internal gender identity.

01:38:46,720 - and gender affirming practices are widely supported by the American Medical Association,

01:38:58,100 - We know that gender affirming care is protective against poor mental health

01:39:01,700 - outcomes and it decreases behavioral and emotional issue in gender expansive people

01:39:21,200 - states are moving to ban gender affirming care,

01:39:25,600 - call parents who allow their children to access gender affirming care child abusers and seek to remove

01:39:49,600 - about transgender and gender expansive people incredibly harmful.

01:40:00,660 - hospitals in Boston and attacks on gender affirming care providers.

01:40:07,360 - youth are at risk of losing access to gender affirming care.

01:40:57,080 - My pronouns are she her and I'

01:41:36,200 - affirming care but gender affirming care is best understood simply as health care for trans people.

01:41:52,820 - You will hear from providers of gender affirming

01:44:06,450 - mckewen and as has already been stated transgender and gender affirming health care for transgender

01:44:34,160 - Transgender and gender diverse youth are at heighten risk

01:44:45,720 - stigma and physical harm due to their gender identity.

01:44:52,400 - to leaving gender dysphoria and related distress including suicidality.

01:45:00,240 - Legislation blocking health care professionals from providing gender affirming

01:49:23,860 - and a place where we can all be a part of this. I want to share with you the importance of this bill and I' ve been to hold that door open for everybody who might need this I too like representative finke have been receiving messages from youth from adults people who are scared and fighting for their lives people who need us to be able to affirm their pronouns which is life extending people who need us to hold the door open for them to be able to access

01:51:15,860 - care and care providers in the state of minnesota. Today I come to offer my support for this bill to ensure minnesota is a place of refuge for transgender and gender expansive individuals,

01:51:28,620 - When I testified at the house companion to this bill less than two weeks ago utah had just been gender affirming care for youth and I warned our neighbors of iowa north dakota and south dakota were not far behind as was noted south dakota has now passed its

01:51:55,630 - first bill that would allow trans kids to wear clothing and have hair styles consistent with their gender identities.

01:52:05,800 - Some like oklahoma have closed gender affirming clinic providers by threatening to

01:53:15,140 - This bill is one essential step to ensuring that minnesota lives out its values for the trans and gender expansive people who have always been part of our communities here.

01:53:48,500 - mozzi and my pronouns are she her.

01:55:46,940 - right to receive gender affirming

01:56:52,900 - My name is Christy hall my pronouns are she her.

01:56:56,220 - I' m a member of the committee on gender justice. I' m a senior staff attorney at gender justice a legal and policy advocacy nonprofit that' s dedicated to advancing gender equity through the law.

01:57:08,240 - For over a decade gender justice has worked to protect and clarify the rights of transgender young people in minnesota including the first case in the country to establish that transgender people were protected under the affordable care act.

01:59:03,620 - state that views gender affirming care as child abuse.

01:59:18,700 - minnesota and it makes it a policy of the state to allow families to seek gender affirming care when it comes to interstate disputes which is important for our court' s choice of law analysis.

01:59:44,140 - Gender justice has the honor of working with representing and providing resources to help children with gender and LGBT youth.

02:00:18,700 - Hello my name is hannah edwards and my pronouns are she her.

02:01:01,220 - At transforming families we have monthly support meetings where we' re able to share about the many great resources in the state where trans youth and their families can seek gender affirming care.

02:01:21,520 - trans youth means supporting them in their identity at school at home at the doctor and in community.

02:03:13,010 - Good afternoon everyone my name is hilde edwards I' m 12 years old my pronouns are she her and I' m a proud transgender seventh grader I' m a daughter an actor a big sister an advocate and last summer I was the youngest grand marshal in twin cities pride history I'

02:07:43,040 - Thank you chair latz and the rest of the committee my name is kelsey wates my pronouns are she her

02:07:59,940 - caregivers of transgender and gender diverse youth.

02:08:48,600 - Since there' s so much misinformation going around about gender affirming care that' s meant to stoke fear I want to share what this life-saving care has looked like for us.

02:08:59,900 - It' s looked like using my child' s proper pronouns and their chosen name.

02:09:26,020 - explain their identity to a stranger or to use a name that

02:09:33,120 - This is gender affirming care that

02:09:36,280 - is not a gender affirming care that is not a gender affirming care that would now be illegal in many states

02:09:42,960 - we had to be on a wait list for over six months to even get an appointment with a gender affirming care provider.

02:12:36,380 - me was when I read through this bill one thing stood out to me making sure a supportive parent or guardian of a child receiving gender affirming health care is not criminalized in the state of minnesota nor the child be removed from their family or family life.

02:13:10,180 - It took me 43 years to feel safe enough to start my gender journey.

02:13:34,540 - I was a child to help me navigate my gender identity.

02:13:56,060 - a supportive parent or guardian to help me navigate my gender identity.

02:14:56,020 - along their gender journey this

02:15:47,960 - I'm a tim to my Jewish cultural specific gender identity and a

02:15:57,380 - transgender intersex gender expansive revolutionary resources and services.

02:17:03,460 - My culture and family deeply understand state persecution and

02:18:07,780 - My pronouns are they he and I'm the

02:18:50,500 - At Reclaim we support the mental health aspects of gender affirming care based

02:19:25,280 - that are part of gender affirming care.

02:19:47,100 - Now that efforts to restrict or eliminate gender affirming care are

02:20:56,080 - officer and medical director for the gender health program at Children's Minnesota.

02:21:22,660 - I'm here to let you know that gender affirming care is health care.

02:21:50,340 - provided to transgender and gender diverse youth.

02:31:22,060 - impact of this bill the definition of gender affirming care is not specified

02:32:00,620 - would have this definition but that definition of gender affirming care is not in the bill

02:32:30,280 - it won' t be the same for this bill but typically gender affirming care

02:32:44,580 - from the birth assigned gender of a child.

02:32:51,940 - the birth assigned gender but only care that would affirm transition from.

02:40:01,540 - limited to and that's regarding the definition of gender affirming health care.

02:40:35,780 - might think of as gender affirming health care but it's not defined in law

02:42:12,630 - include the phrase gender affirming health

02:43:33,060 - respects the gender identity of

02:51:57,520 - parents who allow their children to access gender affirming care as child abusers which is grounds

02:52:50,740 - considers them a child abuser for allowing their child to access gender affirming care.